Optoma Projector | Classroom Display Options

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Classroom technology has grown leaps and bounds over the last ten years.  There’s so many new devices on the market it can be difficult to know what piece of tech is going to best fit your needs.  One of the biggest question marks is whether to have a projector or flat panel to display your visual content. If you’re on the fence, here’s a few reasons why an Optoma projector might be the best choice for your Buffalo NY classroom.


Visuals are an important part of any presentation.  Whether in a classroom, auditorium, or boardroom, the students and faculty you are presenting to will need some visual aid to drive your points home.  It’s true that the best type of display will vary depending on the environment, but you can’t go wrong with a projector. Projectors from leading companies like Optoma are flexible enough to fit the needs of just about any space.

Audience and Image Size

The most important factor to consider for visual displays is the size of the audience.  After all, your display isn’t doing a lot of good if only the people in the front row can read your information.  The great thing about projectors is their variable screen sizes. They can be adjusted to fit screens of over 200 inches!  Being able to increase screen size will ensure that your text and images will be legible in any size room.


One of the biggest differences between classroom projectors and flat panel displays, excluding size, is the screen visibility.  An unfortunate side effect of most smart panels is an unsightly glare caused by the glass screen. Projectors on the other hand are always glare free and are now so advanced that they can project clear images without even needing a projector screen.  Installing an Optoma projector in your Buffalo NY classroom is a great way to keep your content crisp, clear and easy to see.

Interactive Capabilities

Interactive displays have proven to be a necessary part of classrooms all over Buffalo NY.  They promote a collaborative atmosphere that is crucial to student learning and the development of important social skills.  The biggest leg up flat panel displays used to have over projectors was their interactive technology. That’s no longer the case as companies like Optoma have developed short throw projectors that use interactive touch capabilities as well.

It’s clear that Optoma projectors are a beneficial tool for classroom displays in Buffalo NY.  At EME Innovations, we’re happy to be able supply all your classroom display technology needs. Check out what we have to offer on our website and compare prices using our handy configurator tool.  Don’t hesitate to give us a call today!

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