New Technology For Your Classroom | Smart Panel Buffalo NY

 In Smart Panels

Engaging students has been a challenge for educators everywhere.  Unfortunately some students have a hard time following along during elongated lectures or when teachers spend the majority of class time writing on the board.  Yet, with the advent of new classroom technology like smart panels, teachers can use different styles of lessons to better keep students engaged.

It’s true that today’s students are more comfortable with technology than ever before.  With all the flat screens and touch screen tablets in the home, advanced technology has become the expectation for our youth wherever they go; including the classroom.  If you’re worried about being able to keep up with the times, let EME Innovations bring a new smart panel to your Buffalo NY classroom. Here’s a few things you should keep in mind to make sure you’re buying a smart panel that fits your needs.

Screen Size

Perhaps the most basic and important feature of any classroom display is the screen size.  As an educator you need to make sure that whatever message you display will be visible to any student in your classroom.  Making sure your smart panel screen is 3 times larger than the furthest distance it needs to be viewed from is a general rule of thumb.  For example, the Genee G-Touch 65” would be perfect for a classroom where the back row is about 16 feet away.

Touch Points

Participation is one of the best ways to keep students engaged.  Smart panels with touchpoint technology make participation both easy and fun.  Students can get out of their seats and work on solving problems in real time with the help of this new classroom technology.  Before you purchase though, make sure your smart panel will be able to handle the desired number of users. If you’d like to have 10 students working at a time make sure your new display has 10 touch points!

Know Your Purpose

To know you are getting the right smart panel for your needs, make sure you first know what you want to get out of it.  Think about what you are going to use it for most of the time. PowerPoint presentations? Student problem solving? Movies or videos?  As we’ve discussed, it’s important to make sure the size and touch technology is suited for your classroom; but don’t forget about sound quality.  Some types of smart panels come with built in speakers, which would be necessary if you plan showing videos regularly.

Classroom Compatibility

And lastly, don’t forget to make sure your new smart panel will be able to connect to your existing classroom technology.  At the bare minimum you should know what sort of connectors you’ll need to hook up to your classroom computer. Usually it’ll be either HDMI or VGA so pick a smart display that is compatible.  If you use other smart devices in your classroom, like document cameras or surround sound systems, it’d be a good idea to see if your hardware is supported or if you’ll need to find adapters.

At EME Innovations we’re always trying to provide you with the best classroom technology in Buffalo NY.  If you think it’s time to update your classroom display options, we’re here to help you get the smart panel that best fits your needs. If you’d like to talk to an expert about a smart classroom installation for your Buffalo NY classroom, feel free to give us a call.  You can also get a free price quote on all sorts of classroom technology on our website by using our configurator tool.

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