FrontRow Classroom Audio Systems

 In Classroom Audio

At EME Innovations, our goal is to help you get up to date with classroom technology that will enhance both teaching and learning.  In recent years we’ve seen a huge boost in both the amount and types of interactive classroom technology used in schools today. It seems like there’s always new research popping up that points to classroom technology being more effective in helping students learn.

It’s important to try and keep up with the new technology of the day so that your students don’t fall behind.  One of the biggest areas students struggle with in modern classrooms is hearing the teacher and the other students around them.  If communication and comprehension have ever been an issue in your school, then you should look into classroom audio systems.

FrontRow Classroom Audio

Solid communication is an essential part of teaching.  Installing classroom speakers that provide clear and crisp audio can make all the difference to your students.  With a new FrontRow classroom audio installation, you’ll get a PA system, a pendant microphone for teachers, and a mic for students to pass around.  Installing this simple audio gear in your class will provide more benefits than you might realize at first glance. Here’s a few examples.

Teacher Vocal Health

Classrooms can be a noisy place.  Student chatter mixed with other background noises can make getting your lesson heard a real challenge.  Most seasoned teachers have become experts in projecting their voices but not without cost. Did you know that over 2.5 billion dollars are spent on sick leave for teachers suffering from vocal problems, in the US alone!  FrontRow audio systems will cut this number significantly because it allows teachers to speak in their normal voice while making sure all students can still hear them clearly.

Student Participation

It’s no secret that students who take part in class are often better learners because of it.  Believe it or not but installing an audio system for your classroom will encourage participation, especially when it comes to younger students.  Teachers who have used FrontRow systems always comment on how students get excited to answer questions and read aloud because they get to use the microphone.  The mic will make sure the whole classroom can hear even when the quietest students are speaking.

Student Focus

It’s easy for a lot of students to lose focus during class.  This tends to occur most frequently when they have trouble hearing the teacher speak.  Most students are classified as auditory learners, meaning they learn more efficiently through hearing.  Just think about it, how many students know all the lyrics to their favorite songs but struggle to memorize their times tables?  FrontRow audio will make sure hearing never gets in the way of focus and student learning.

Speaking And Reading

The process of hearing has been shown to improve both reading and communication skills as well.  Students actively listening to clear audio will pick up more of the nuances of our language. This is known as phonemic awareness and it can help boost all levels of learning, including reading comprehension.  For example, practice being an active listener can help students when they have to sound out words they don’t know.

EME Innovations wants to help you and your students succeed.  This is why we offer you top products like FrontRow classroom audio systems.  If you’d like to learn more about how to get this and other types of classroom technology into your school, just give us a call today.

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