5 Key Items That Every Smart Classroom Needs

 In Classroom Audio, Genee Interactive Displays, Interactive Classroom Technology, Smart Panels

The modern classroom is bursting with possibilities.  It seems like new pieces of interactive classroom technology are popping up in the EdTech sphere everyday.  Now there are more tools than ever that teachers can use to help engage students with their lessons. If your school is transitioning toward building smart classrooms, we’ve got a few suggestions for you.  Here are 5 things that your smart classroom in WNY needs to succeed.

Classroom Interactive Panels

The focal point of the classroom used to be the blackboard.  Now it has become almost exclusively the interactive smart panel display.  It’s clear that the flexibility provided by devices like the Genee G-Touch Deluxe is enough to make classroom smart panels the new standard.  With full access to web resources, multi point touch capabilities, and a host of educational apps, these devices will help your students excel.  

Devices For Students

There are more kinds of personal devices on the market now than ever before.  Some of them are even starting to become classroom staples. Things like laptop carts, personal chrome books, and classroom tablets have made the biggest splash.  Since these devices are capable of connecting to your smart classroom technology, students can do research and interact with lessons in real time. It’s no wonder why they’re becoming such a popular choice among educators.

Frontrow Classroom Audio

There’s no doubt that presentations are an essential part of the classroom landscape.  Whether it’s the teacher or students speaking to the class, it’s imperative that the class can hear them.  Unfortunately, not every student is good at projecting their voice. Additionally, some teachers will start to lose their voice throughout the school year.  Luckily there’s a simple solution; install a Frontrow Classroom Audio System.  With the Frontrow Microphone worn as a necklace, the presenter can speak in a normal voice and still be heard.

Interactive Classroom Accessories

Crystal clear audio isn’t the only thing that can enhance a lecture.  There are countless additional tools that can be paired with your standard interactive classroom technology to make life a little easier.  A Sidekick Genee Slate Tablet for example will allow teachers to work through their lesson plan with full control from anywhere in the room.  Similarly, wireless keyboards, document scanners and even webcams can fill other niches to enhance the learning experience.

Classroom Recording Equipment

Students who miss class are immediately at a disadvantage.  Having not seen the teacher’s lesson, they often have to teach themselves the material they missed.  This can be a tall order for students who miss a significant amount of time. Classroom recording equipment can make the process a lot simpler for absent students.  All they’ll have to do is watch the digital copy of the lecture and they’ll get the closest thing to the real classroom experience.

Smart Classroom Technology From EME Innovations

If you are interested in adding any of this classroom technology to your arsenal, EME Innovations can help.  As a premier supplier of interactive technology for schools around WNY, we’ll make sure you get the gear that’s best for you.  Give us a call today and we’ll help you find everything your smart classroom needs!

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