Smart Panel Buffalo NY

EME Innovations knows how important smart classrooms have become to the modern education system.  In the advent of new technology, educators have been able to provide a more visual means of education to help students better understand different topics.  Of all the new classroom technologies available, the smart panel is seen as one of the most beneficial.


Smart panels work like a whiteboard that can also integrate other classroom devices.  Smart panels are often controlled by a tablet or computer to allow teachers the flexibility to teach from anywhere around the room.  Most smart panels will come equipped with their own set of speakers but can also be hooked up to your classroom audio system for smoother sound quality.


EME Innovations, located in Buffalo NY, stocks top of the line smart panels from leading companies like Genee.  With a wide range of sizes and styles available, you’ll be able to pick out the smart panel that is right for your classroom needs.  EME Innovations has worked with schools and organizations in Buffalo NY and all over the country bringing smart panels and other smart classroom equipment right to your fingertips.

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